Au travers de ses différentes publications, tom anderson partage avec les internautes ses nombreuses destinations de voyage et ça fait vraiment rêver…
Tom Anderson est l’un des fondateurs de MySpace mis en ligne en 2003 aux Etats-Unis. Si aujourd’hui l’engouement pour ce réseau social a disparu sous l’emprise de ses concurrents, notamment Facebook, Twitter ou Snapchat, il a permis au créateur d’être à la tête d’une petite fortune. En effet, en revendant sa participation à l’élaboration de la plateforme, il a pu obtenir 580 millions de dollars, soit environ 515 millions d’euros. Grâce à ce montant, il a pu prendre sa (jeune) retraite et profiter de la vie à travers divers voyages.
Avec une somme pareille, il est facile de visiter de nombreux pays dans le monde sans se priver de quoi que ce soit. Lors de ses périples, Tom partage de multiples photos sur son compte Instagram du nom de myspacetom . Nous vous en faisons découvrir quelques-unes dans cet article, toutes aussi impressionnantes les unes que les autres par leur beauté et leurs histoires.
Amérique du sud : bolivie
Not much Internetz for me down here in South America, but wanted to share this from last night. This is a water covered salt flat at 12,000 feet in Uyuni, Bolivia. Sunsets are crazy here with the reflections, but this night shot was probably the best of the bunch 🙂
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Rayons de soleil à Hawaï
Helicoptering in Kauai, the Garden Isle 🙂 Hawaii never disappoints!
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
La ville de san francisco la nuit
Went to SF last weekend for a few Giants games with @john_hook and of course we took some photos. Thanks for the road trip buddy, you know how much it helped me 🙂
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Une grotte de glace en Islande
Ice cave in Iceland last year. Ice caves are awesome 🙂 Right now I’m in Banff, Canada. It’s my first time here and I love it, but I’ve not found any ice caves like this one pictured. I’ll keep looking!
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
La ville de venise en italie
I’m back in Venice. I’ve travelled a lot in the last 3 years, and this city impresses me as one of the most beautiful. It’s rainy and flooding a bit here. I’ve not taken any photos really… Just strolling the streets each day 🙂 Here’s a shot I took a few summers ago.
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Une route de montagne en Chine
One of the coolest roads I’ve ever driven. It’s in China… can you see the tiny specks? Those are giant buses. Trying out the new Instagram tall photos 🙂
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Dans le désert du Sahara
Sunset in the Saharan desert, as close as I’ve come to my Lawrence of Arabia experience 🙂
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Rencontre avec une tortue de mer
Having fun with the underwater camera — gonna try again today! Oahu, Hawaii 🙂
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Dépaysement dans une plaine
Getting on a plane in a few hours. New location, big change of scenery. Hope to post some new photos soon 🙂
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Un feu d’artifice sur la plage
Last night in Hawaii … Fireworks every Friday 🙂
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Un temple d’ayutthaya en thaïlande
Ayutthaya, Thailand. Monk moments 🙂
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Le mois d’automne dans l’Oregon
Another shot from Oregon; loves these Japanese trees in the botanic garden I visited. They really come alive when the light shines on them!
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Une nuit de fête
Getting my black & white on at the Yi Peng festival in Thailand … An Unforgettable night!
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Un ciel coloré en Indonésie
Dramatic night clouds lit up by the moonlight on Nusa Lembongan, Indonesia 🙂
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
La grande roue de sydney en australie
Sydney, Australia… Sunset by the Ferris Wheel 🙂
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Le nouvel an à Singapour
New Year’s Eve in Singapore, the thousands of spheres in the water had handwritten hopes and wishes for the New Year. Fun times and the most well behaved crowd of 300,000 I’ve ever seen (of course la!)
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Le festival burning man dans le nevada
Burningman 2012 – that’s a whale in the desert (it’s also an art car) #burningman
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Japon : le plus grand carrefour du monde
Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo, Japan. Just landed a few hours ago and snapped one photo from my hotel… Too tired for more tonight 🙂 Sleepytime!
A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on
Crédit photo principale : Instagram – Tom Anderson